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MH - Archimonde

Enviado: Sáb Jun 28, 2008 12:24 pm
por Sheep
Archimonde é uma luta bastante simples, porém um único erro = Wipe, Corpse Run, Try Again. Ela é muito assim mesmo, morreu um, morreu TODOS em questão de segundos.


Type: Eredar (Demon)
HP: 4.600.000
Melee de 7k em Tank e, uma peculiaridade, ele NÃO PODE acertar um Crushing Blow, tornando a luta bastante mais tranqüila.


Doomfire - Mais ou menos a cada 30 Segundos ele casta Doomfire, que é uma trilha de fogo "inteligente" e elas duram um bom tempo (quase os 30 segundos). Aí você lembra aquele jogo da Cobrinha do Celular, que ia aumentando conforme mais pontos você fazia? Pois é, ela é igual, quanto mais tempo passa, maior essa trilha de fogo vai ficando até desaparecer completamente. Cada "parte" desse corpo que vai aumentando tem ANIMAÇÕES de fogo que duram até 45 segundos, PORÉM cada uma das partes somente dura 27 segundos, sendo assim existirão partes do fogo (as primeiras) inofensivas, enquanto ainda vai existir a animação, até desaparecerem. Para você não tirar a prova dos 9 e ver qual está ativa e qual não está, FICA FORA DESSE FOGO FULL TIME!

Como elas duram 45 segundos, constantemente ele irá então conseguir mantér duas Doomfire ao mesmo tempo. Elas se movimentam de forma completamente independentes, algumas vezes seguindo algum player, outras vezes indo em direções randoms e depois virando para outro player, etc

Se mexe, se movimenta, sai de perto dele. VOCÊ NÃO PODE ser pego por esse FOGO. Se for pego voce leva 2400 Fire Damage POR SEGUNDO MAIS um DoT indispelável que causa 2250 Fire Damage a cada 3 Segundos e diminuindo 150 a cada tick até se dissipar, causando um total de 20400 Fire Damage distribuidos em 45 segundos.

Soul Charge

Cada vez que uma preciosa e prezada alma morre, ele ganha uma Soul Charge que gira ao redor dele como uma Orb. Esse número é ilimitado, ele pode ter quantas forem e ir acumulando, embora uma só já seja o suficiente para efetivamente foder e wipar a raid, pois uma Soul Charge mata outro ou outros players que faz ele ganhar mais Soul Charges e ... enfim... já viram o drama.

Ele normalmente solta a Soul Charge 5 à 10 segundos após ele a adquirir embora não seja fixo, sendo que ele pode até soltar instant ou não soltar nunca.

Existem 3 tipos de Charge que são determinadas pela classe do indistinto defunto, são elas:

Red Soul Charge (Priest, Paladin, Warlock)

Causa um AoE de 200 Yards de 4500 Fire Damage além de um Silence de 04 segundos geral.

Orange Charge (Warrior, Rogue, Mage)

Causa um AoE de 200 Yards de 4500 Phisical Damage (before Armor Mitigation) e aumenta o dano levado por todas as fontes em 50%

Green Soul Charge (Druid, Shaman, Hunter)

Causa 4500 de Nature Damage em 8 segundos (4 ticks de 1125) e Drena 2250 Mana

Grip of the Legion

Constantemente ele coloca uma Curse em um RANDOM que causa 2500 Shadow Damage a cada 3 Segundos por 5 minutos. 60 Yards de Range. DECURSE .

Air Burst

Escolhe alguém Random ATÉ 60 Yards dele e causa 1300 Nature Damage no alvo e em todo mundo que estiver a 13 Yards (raid se afastem uns dos outros!!), arremessando-os no ar longe e depois cai que nem um tijolo. Ele NÃO usa no Top Threat (Tank) dele, porém, se algum melee se posicionar mal, vai acertar o MT que vai voar com o resto. Ele não vai perder o Aggro, mas como todo mundo vai sair então do Melee Range, ele vai começar a castar Finger of Death e wipar a raid muito rápido. Melee, se posiciona direito!!!

A Tyrande Whisperwind, antes da batalha, fornece um item que deve ser usado para evitar esse dano de queda. O que esse item faz é reduzir sua falling speed por DOIS SEGUNDOS e depois resume sua falling speed. Ou seja, se usar muito antes vai ser /splat do mesmo jeito. Se usar muito tarde já vai ter levado o /splat também. Tem que dar o Timing certinho, próximo ao chão, mas se vc tiver dando umas lagada, é melhor usar um pouco antes e levar um pouco de falling damage do que nunca chegar a usar e wipar a raid (Soul Charge).

Esta habilidade tem Cooldown de 6 segundos, porém não necessariamente utilizado a cada 6 segundos, é bastante random. Como tem range de 60 yards e as pessoas são jogadas pra muito mais longe que isso, ele nunca vai conseguir dar Chain Air Burst em alguém.


Usada a cada aproximados 40 segundos. 1,5 Sec Uninterruptible Cast que dá Fear em TODO MUNDO por 8 segundos. Stance Dance, Tremor Totem, Divine Shield, Iceblock, Medallion of the Horde e Fear Ward tiram. Cloak of Skill também evita, porém somente durante o cast (não durante o Fear).

Temos que ter sempre 2 healers PRONTOS para sair do Fear pra healar o MT e não deixar que ele morra. Também é muito importante que todos estejam prontos (guardando cooldown do trinket e etc) para sair do Fear caso estejam sendo direcioandos diretamente para um Doomfire, visto que é bastante chato ficar healando (beirando a impossibildade)

Finger of Death

Ele só casta se ninguém estiver em Melee Range, mas nunca durante o pull. Tem range infinito. Basicamente serve pra wipar a raid mais rápido depois que o Tank morre, e não deve se traduzir em nada que aconteça durante um encontro bem feito

O posicionamento é tranquilo, nada de especial requerido. Somente precisamos ter Decursers e Healers para todo mundo, e que se mantenham afastados (15 yards) uns dos outros.

O pull é nostalgia total! Melhor estilo Onyxia!! A diferença é que agora o tank volta para a posição inicial ali e tal em vez da raid acompanhar ele, e claro, hunters gastem misdirection (todo Cooldown sem dó!!)

Alguns instantes após o inicio da luta, ele irá usar o primeiro Doomfire. TEM QUE SE AFASTAR. O Doomfire segue uma trilha Random, mas não tem desculpa. Se estiver em Melee AFASTA. Se estiver no Main Tank, se possível dá um passinho pra trás pra sair da trilha do fogo, se não for possível e for mexer o Archimonde de posição FICA PARADINHO porque é melhor, é tranquilamente healável, no MT.

Depois disso vem o primeiro Air Burst. A galera TÊM QUE FICAR ESPALHADA há pelo menos 15 yards. Usem BigWigs ou Deadly Boss Mode, eles avisam através do Proximity Warning se tem alguém no seu range. Os Melee devem se afastar um pouco durante o cast para não mandar o MT para a casa do chapeu (causando um wipe).

As pessoas atingidas pelo Air Burst têm que, um instante antes de chegar ao chão, usar o item (npc)para não mamar. Priests podem usar Levitate, Mages podem usar Slow Fall ou até Blink (Guardar Iceblock para Fear / Doomfire). Paladinos podem usar BoP (guardar Divine Shield pra quebrar Fear / Doomfire), Warriors podem usar Intervene se acharem alguém que está mais próximo do /splat do que eles. Tudo isso é emergência, O CERTO É usar a um instante antes de se espatifar.

E acho que eu nem preciso comentar que morreu pra Air Burst = (Soul Charge) Wipe né.

Nesta hora, após o Air Burst, vai vir o primeiro Fear! Eles mudaram a maneira como Fear funciona para não mais fazer o Mob perder o aggro, se seu Main Target receber Fear, mas eu não sei se fizeram isso ao Archimonde e mesmo assim, é MELHOR que o Tank fique paradinho no lugar, pros Healers estarem mais próximos à ele, pra que arriscar né?
Lembrando que pelo menos DOIS healers TÊM que estar PRONTOS para quebrar Fear assim que castado em todos os Fear, para que o Main Tank não fique nunca sem heal e nem morra de bobeira.
Lembrando², quando vc levar Fear para cima de um Doomfire também é MUITO interessante que vc esteja pronto pra quebrar ele, pois Doomfire das duas, uma:

1) Ou te mata e consequentemente wipa a raid
2) Os healers vão te amar muito, porque só vai ter 2 fora de Fear pra segurar o MT.

Ele vai repetindo isso até o final, só tem uma fase, e é isso dos 100% aos 10%.

Quando ele chegar aos 10%,. nesse momento a Tyrande coloca um Buff em TODA a Raid que torna todo mundo IMMUNE à tudo e à qualquer coisa . Quando isso acontecer nós temos um minuto para tirar os 10% Finais. TODO MUNDO vai dar dps (até o loltank e os healers).

E congratz! porque a virada dos 11 para os 10% significam que a luta acabou (a não ser que não tenhamos competência de 25 caras fazer 460.000 Damage em 60 segundos)


Main Tanks - Stance Dance nos Fears .Também se possível evitar Doomfire, se não for possível come com farinha e reza pra não acontecer um Fear / Air Burst inconveniente

Melee DPS - AFASTA quando o Doomfire estiver muito próximo ao Archimonde e quando ele for castar Air Burst. Não fode e pega aggro se não vc vai wipar a raid instantaneamente!

Ranged DPS - Mesma coisa que Melee, só que não precisa afastar no Air Burst, só uns dos outros.

Mages - . Eu quero ver vocês no Top Decurse junto com os Druida Restoration.Também fiquem espalhados espaçadamente (um no canto esquerdo, outro no direito, outro em direção ao centro do Archimonde) para que nunca todos levem Air Burst juntos (e consequentemente prejudique pra caraca o Decurse)

Healers - Estejam sempre preparados e pré-setados em DDDs (duas duplas de dois \o/) para usar Cheat of the Forsaken / Fear Ward / Divine Shield / Medallion / Whatever pra sairem em cada Fear de dois em dois e o MT não mamar à toa. Tremor Totem também ajuda maravilhas.


Vídeo:http://www.stage6.com/user/Stevemo55/vi ... Archimonde

Re: MH - Archimonde

Enviado: Qui Jul 03, 2008 1:52 pm
por Turko
Archimonde is the last fight at Mount Hyjal and is quite different from all the rest.

First off, you don't have any trash to clear, so you can wipe all you want without having to re clear anything, making it a really enjoyable encounter.

Second, due to the nature of the encounter and the boss abilities, if you make even the slightest mistake your entire raid might die in about 15 seconds, especially on your first few tries. The encounter can be easy, but it's also completely unforgiving. One mistake and it's all over. Bear that in mind.

Raid Setup
Tanks: 1
Healers: 8 (At least 1-2 restoration druids for decursing)
DPS : 16 (At least 2-3 mages for decursing)

Buffs, Potions and Gear
All the usual buffs and potions.

Tremor Totem in healer/decurser groups and/or Fear Ward on healers/decursers.

Boss Abilities
HP - 4,600,000
Melee Strength - 7,000 on plate. He cannot land a Crushing Blow.

About every 30 seconds, Archimonde will call down a huge trail of fire, with a life of it's own. Each section of the trail of fire lasts about 27 seconds before it disappears. It 2-3 yards wide, and spawns in one spot and then gets longer and longer as its "head" moves around. Each piece of the fire deals damage for a period of 27 seconds, though the fire animation lasts for 45 seconds, so parts of the fire will remain visible, whilst being harmless, a few seconds before they despawn.

Archimonde often has two Doomfires active at once. They sometimes follow a player, then suddenly run in a completely random direction, then follow a player again. Thus, the best thing you can do is watch out and run if it goes for you.

If you step in the fire, you take 2400 damage every second, and you get a non-dispellable DoT debuff also called "Doomfire" that lasts 2250 fire damage to you every 3 seconds, decreasing by 150 each tick until zero, for a total of 20400 damage over 45 seconds. This debuff can be removed with immunities like Cloak of Shadows, Iceblock and Divine Shield.

Tyrande Whisperwind and her night elves

Soul Charge
Whenever a person dies (pet deaths don't trigger it), his "soul" (which looks like the Banshee's Banshee Wail spell) flies to Archimonde. When it reaches Archimonde, he gains a Shadow Orb, which looks like the effect of the priest racial ability Shadowguard, only in different colours. Once he gains a Soul Charge, he will usually use it on the raid after about 5-10 seconds (though it is not fixed, and could be instant or after a long pause), so healers have this time to top off the raid in anticipation of the Soul Charge's effect.

There are 3 different charges depending on which class died. They are as follows :

Purple(Red) Soul Charge (Priest, Paladin, Warlock)
Deals 4500 fire damage to everyone in a 200 yard radius, as well as silencing them for 4 seconds.

Orange(Yellow) Soul Charge (Warrior, Rogue, Mage)
Increases all damage taken by everyone in the raid by 50% and deals 4500 physical damage (decreased by armour) to everyone in a 200 yard radius.

Green Soul Charge (Druid, Shaman, Hunter)
Deals 4500 nature damage over 8 seconds (1125 every 2 seconds), in addition to draining 2250 mana from everyone in a 200 yard radius.

There is no limit to the number of Soul Charges Archimonde can have, so it is very easy for one death to trigger a Soul Charge which kills a few more players, resulting in a cascade of deaths and Soul Charges, and so a wipe.

Grip of the Legion
Used randomly, and very often (if not constantly), it places a curse on a random target, dealing 2500 shadow damage every 3 seconds for 5 minutes (250,000 total). He won't cast this on somebody who has just been Air Bursted Has a range of 60 yards. Must be decursed as fast as possible.

Air Burst
Tears of the Goddess
The Battle for Mount Hyjal
Binds when picked up
Use: Briefly slows falling speed.
Inflicts 1500 nature damage to everyone in 13 yards around the targeted player (including the player themselves), tossing them high up and back into the air (over 100 yards away from Archimonde), after which they will simply fall down. Will not be used on the player at the top of Archimonde's aggro list.

In order not to die from this ability, you need to use the Tears of the Goddess, which you can get from Tyrande Whisperwind at the entrance to the night elf camp, by talking to her. The Tears of the Goddess is an item in your inventory that when used (by clicking on it), slows your fall (like Slow Fall or Levitate) for 2 seconds, after which you resume your normal fall speed. It has a 10 second cooldown. In order not to die from the fall damage, you must use it when you're almost at the ground. If you lag, use it even earlier; it's better to use it early and take 2000-3000 falling damage than not be able to use it at all and die.

Air Burst has a 6 second cooldown, meaning it CAN be used every 6 seconds, but it can also be used after 20 seconds or even a minute. Thus it's pretty random. It can only be cast on a person in 60 yards of Archimonde so it cannot be cast twice on the same group of Air Burst-ed player while they are in the air or running back, since the Air Burst throws them back far more than 60 yards. An Air-Burst tank does not lose aggro, but your tank should not be hit by Air Burst if everyone positions correctly.

Archimonde before the encounter
Cast regularly at 40 second intervals. Fears everybody in a 200 yard radius for about 6-8 seconds. Will of the Forsaken, PvP Trinkets, Divine Shield, Ice Block, Cloak of Shadows (while it's cast), Fear Ward, Tremor Totem, all can be used to avoid this ability. It has a 1.5 second cast so the main tank must be fast to switch to Berserker Stance and use Berserker Rage to counter the fear before it's cast.

There is a VERY HIGH chance your MT will die in the time you are feared, so you must pick pairs of about 2 healers a time who will trinket/ability out of the Fear and heal the main tank.

Also, if you are running towards the Doomfire while feared, you MUST get out of the Fear or the Doomfire has a very high chance of killing you while feared, or simply giving the raid healers too many targets to heal.

Finger of Death
The description of this ability, straight from the WoW spell descriptions, states, "Strikes an enemy with the finger of death, inflicting 20000 shadow damage upon them, their children, and their children's children."

This description fits the ability quite nicely. He uses it when there's nobody in his melee range, but never during the pull.

Basically it's a wipe up ability he uses just to kill you off faster after your tank dies and such. It's not used during the encounter itself unless you try to exploit it in some way.

The Fight


Positioning, as with Kaz'Rogal, is flexible as long as you follow a few rules :

- Never turn Archimonde towards the raid.

- Stay spread out.

- Make sure to have decursers in range of everyone to remove Grip of the Legion as soon as possible.

- Make sure to have healers in range of everyone.

Archimonde is pulled simply by having your MT walk towards him. A hunter should Misdirect a few shots to the MT as soon as Archimonde has engaged.

Archimonde Raid Positions

Archimonde is facing the mountains, with the raid spread out behind him. If you're a DPS class you can run behind him while mounted, but healers should simply run on foot as the tank is very vulnerable during the pull due to receiving fewer heals when moving.

This is NOT a DPS fight. Let the tank grab some aggro, then you can start DPS.

Remember to spread out nicely, but never stand in front of Archimonde.

Soon into the fight, he'll cast his first Doomfire. As mentioned, it might either follow a player or move randomly, or both. If the Doomfire gets close to the melee DPS, they should move out of the way immediately. The tank should generally just stay in the Doomfire if it crosses him, but if he can move about 1-2 yards backwards and out of the fire, he should do that. However, if moving out of the Doomfire for the MT requires Archimonde to be turned or change his facing, the MT should just stay in the Doomfire. It's perfectly healable.

Sometime after the first Doomfire should come the first Air Burst. Make sure you're not too clumped up. A possible technique is to have the people in each group stand on top of each other. Thus, at any given time, only 5 people will be Air Burst-ed. However, it's not really needed, as long as you simply spread out. Melee need to move back from Archimonde when you see him casting the Air Burst so that a hit on you doesn't send the Main Tank into the air. Archimonde WILL continue to melee him while he's in the air, but the Air Burst will take him out of range of your healers and he will likely die.

Mouse eye view of ArchimondeWhen the Air Burst hits, the few affected people will be thrown very high and very far back into the air. Just a few moments before you hit the ground you must use the Tears of the Goddess to prevent dying from the falling damage. Mages and Priests can use Slow Fall, Blink, Ice Block and Levitate to avoid the falling damage if they are having trouble using the Tears. Paladins can use Blessing Of Protection/Divine Shield, Warriors can Intervene on someone else close to the ground.

It is IMPERATIVE that you land safely. Dying from fall damage will give Archimonde a Soul Charge. If it's the silence (purple) Soul Charge, that's pretty much a dead main tank. Whatever the effect of the Soul Charge, it's very prone to killing at least one or more people. Very often, one death will trigger a chain reaction of multiple deaths due to the global and nasty effects of the Soul Charges.

Use everything you can, but do not die from falling damage. A dead person can wipe the raid in a second.

Soon after the first Air Burst should come the Fear. This is a very tricky moment, as if everyone uses their PvP trinkets / anti-fear tools on one fear, and you have none ready for the second, the probability of the tank dying is very high. Thus, as mentioned above, pair up healers and have the first healer pair trinket/racial/talent out of the fear and focus their healing on the MT.

As the fear is a 1 second cast spell, the main tank should be ready to quickly switch to Berserker Stance and use Berserker Rage to counter the fear. Otherwise, if he gets feared, Archimonde will simply turn to the un-feared healers or to anyone who resisted the fear, or to simply the next target on his aggro list.

If you get feared and see yourself running towards a Doomfire, you have to use your trinket/racial/talent to get out of the fear in order not to run into the fire and risk not only your death ( and thus the death of the whole raid due to consequent deaths from the generated Soul Charge), but also make the job of the healers a lot tougher, as there'll only be 2 of them not feared.

Once the fear goes down, the next one should come in about 25-30 seconds or more.

The key to the fight is surviving Archimonde's abilities and not letting anyone die. While you can survive a Soul Charge's effect, it will often lead to many more deaths in a domino effect, and so a wipe.

When Archimonde reaches 10%, he will return to the World Tree Nordrassil and resume draining it (this has no effect on the fight, it's just an animation). He will not use any of his abilities during this phase. Tyrande will then cast a buff on you (displayed as a debuff) which makes you immune to EVERYTHING (even heals) and lasts 1 minute. You must kill Archimonde in that one minute. DPS go full out: Recklessness, Cooldowns, even healers go all out DPS. If you do not manage to kill Archimonde in that 1 minute, you lose the fight. Taking down this last 10% of Archimonde's health isn't hard at all, thus this 10% phase is often considered the "free kill" phase.

Once Archimonde dies, you lose the invulnerability debuff, you've saved the World Tree, and thus completed Caverns of Time : Mount Hyjal.
Archimonde attacking the World Tree

Class Comments

"Stance dance" to get out of the fear or prevent it affecting you at all. People tend to be trigger-happy at this encounter so don't lose aggro. If you get in the Doomfire try to move out of it as fast as you can since the damage is quite considerable and can often kill you off during a fear or an unlucky Air Burst. When Archimonde reaches 10%, Execute him.

Melee DPS
Stand behind Archimonde and, whatever you do, don't die, or over-aggro (which will be an instant death). If you see the Doomfire going close to the main tank, run back until the fire disappears or your position around Archimonde's feet is clear. When you see the Air Burst coming, move a bit back in order not to risk the main tank being struck by Air Burst. When Archimonde goes to 10%, go nuts. Rogues can use Cloak of Shadows if they somehow get into the Doomfire.

Archimonde sprinting forward
Ranged DPS
Stand behind Archimonde and again, whatever happens, don't die. Run away from the Doomfire if you see it closing on you and stay spread out. If you're a mage or a priest, you can Slow Fall/Blink/Levitate to negate falling damage, in addition to using the Tears of the Goddess. Don't over-aggro.

The main tank will be taking quite significant burst damage, so while he'll be parrying/dodging a lot of attacks, keep precasting so that he doesn't die in an unlucky burst. Move out of the Doomfire. Pair up in pairs of 2, and have each pair of healers trinket/talent/racial/ability out of the fear to heal the main tank. If you're Alliance and have Fear Ward, just use it on 2-3 healers and maybe a decurser. If you're a priest you can use Levitate to negate the falling damage from the Air Burst. When Archimonde reaches 10%, go nuts and do DPS on Archimonde; everyone is immune to your healing in this stage.

Stay spread out evenly around the raid so that everyone is in range at all times, and there's always a few decursers on the ground unaffected by Air Burst. If someone has the Grip of the Legion during a fear, by all means one decurser can trinket/ability out of it and decurse them.

Mages - It is possible to Blink early in the Air Burst, and thus teleport right back to your spot while taking minimal fall damage and avoiding the need to run all the way back to it. However, while using this method be careful not to land in a Doomfire, or land near one just as the Fear is about to go off. Another risk of this method is that if someone with a Curse on him gets Air Bursted and there's no druid or mage being knocked back with him, the player could die from the curse and thus cause multiple other deaths.

Miscellaneous Info
It has been observed that, sometimes, if you login during the fight, even if just from a disconnect, it can trigger a Soul Charge, which Archimonde will gain and possibly kill you with.

Re: MH - Archimonde

Enviado: Seg Ago 11, 2008 1:14 am
por ivan

Nesse site tem o posicionamento correto !

Re: MH - Archimonde

Enviado: Seg Ago 11, 2008 1:33 am
por Palmito
Essa foto tá errada. Qualquer fogo que saia para um dos ranged vai pegar nos melees. Tem que ser que nem eu expliquei ontem.